2021: We must stand up against tyranny; The great changes of a big era has just begun | Front Page with Scott Goulet | Dec 24, 2020 (Video)

Content Source/OwnerFront Page with Scott Goulet
YouTube Video urlhttps://youtu.be/qd5mSmuCVec
Duration: 5 min
Video Intro:
In light of YouTube’s recent notice to begin censorship of videos disputing the 2020 US presidential election. We are asking all of our viewers to SIGN UP to our email list to STAY INFORMED: http://www.frontpageshow.com/
This channel does have a wish, our wish is that we want to bring hope to people again, bring hope to our community.  We are all a part of this team of people who are standing up for the truth and for freedom together.  We are in this together, as one nation under God.  
Facing the suppression and censorship of different voices in the media, many people have chosen to remain silent or afraid to speak out for the truth. But I am proud to say that our team did not back down from this suppression. I firmly believe that the voice of justice deserves to be widely spread. If you could tell your friends and family about this channel, you are supporting our work and fighting for freedom of speech.
This extraordinary year is coming to an end, but the great changes of a big era have just begun. I hope we will all keep the goodness, justice and conscience in our hearts, so that we can go through this last darkness before the dawn together. May the Almighty Creator empower the good people and give us the courage to face all the evil and injustice. I wish you all a happy holiday!
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