A Discussion with Amandha Vollmer and Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Truth, Science, and Law | Jul 29, 2020 (Video)
Content Source/Owner:
Andrew Kaufman
1 hr 18 min
To visit Dr. Kaufman’s website and sign up for his newsletter:
“It was a pleasure to talk with my friend, the brilliant Dr. Andrew Kaufman, about truth, science, community, law and what’s to come. We had a candid conversation, nothing planned, just authentic and honest communication about how we are preparing for all the changes and what we need to do to free ourselves and find our new tribes.
I hope you enjoy it. With love, Amandha”
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David Rodriguez: https://government-scam.com/
James True: https://www.jtrue.com/category/bio
Neil Kramer: https://neilkramer.com/
In Power Movement: https://www.inpowermovement.com/
Thomas Kuhn: http://scihi.org/thomas-kuhn-scientific-revolutions/
Body Gut Mind: https://www.bodygutmind.blog/