The World of Tomorrow / Le monde de demain | Monique Mathieu | Oct 9, 2021
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The exchange will not be done with money, the exchange will be for the pleasure of giving, for the pleasure of working for a community. There will be a completely different relationship between humans. At the moment humans are working for money, for food, etc. Tomorrow humans will work by choice in order to support the communities in which they will live.
There will not be huge cities like now, these cities which are prisons for human beings.
The exchanges will not be done through a currency, whatever it is, they will be done because it will have to be, because it will be part of the new life and there will be no haggling for what whether it be.
So, of course, for now you are wondering how this will fit together.
In your country, France, there are many cultures; you will be able very easily to cultivate cereals and all that you will have to cultivate, and there will be exchanges permanently, exchanges of cultures against exchange of wines with another country, exchanges of minerals or materials whatever they are. There will be perfect cohesion with all the countries which will experience the same thing.
You cannot build a society! Everything must change at the same time, we must really put a definitive end to the societies that generate poverty!
So the next societies will generate happiness, unity and brotherhood. You’ll get more and more creative, but we’ll talk about that again.
So, to prepare yourself for this new society, you must already prepare for it within yourselves. You have to make yourself as a representation of what you would like to experience in this new society. If you make this new society grow within you, it will settle down, because you must not forget that everything that is emitted by the thoughts of men crystallizes and lives somewhere.
It is being prepared in the invisible (invisible to your eyes but in reality even in the concrete on your planet), a setting up of absolutely extraordinary things. We could almost tell you that the foundations of the new society are laid. Now you have to create it much more in the will, in what you are, in what you can plan to nourish, to make this new society grow.
So it is up to you, each time you meditate, to send a lot of Love to this new society, (we will talk about it later), that you want to create in yourself and outside of you. .
Have confidence and faith, we say it and will say it again all the time, the best happens! We are going to say that you have practically passed the worst, but the worst at the level of the manipulation, at the level of this hypnosis, these generated fears, etc. Now, little by little, you will go towards liberation, as if veils are going to be removed from the consciousness of human beings and you will feel different, as if all of a sudden you feel yourself breathing differently, free inside you. Even if on the outside you still have this prison, if you do not have the capacity to be free in your movements, inside you, the veils being more and more removed, more and more light, you will feel this immense freedom growing within you ”.
In the new world to come, what will be the nature of the exchanges between individuals? What will our food be like?
“When the great tribulations are over, it will be a bit of chaos on your world because it will have been totally unstructured. It is also beginning to break down at society level, even to ensure that skilled men are replaced by machines and no longer know how to work, and this is very dramatic.
Man needs machines, of course, but he must also know how to work, build and create with his hands because it is a creation, it is not working as some human beings do excessively; you have to be able to work and create with your own hands. Human beings, for many, will be forced to relearn creative trades, whether they are woodworking, construction, etc.
So at the beginning there will be a great de-structuring of societies. Countries will no longer be governable at all. There will be demonstrations really everywhere. The cries of human beings will be heard from continent to continent.
Then beings will arise in all the countries of the world, beings who could be you, beings from other worlds who will have made the choice to incarnate in this very particular period, that is to say Galactics who will have made the choice to incarnate in order to be able to help in the restructuring of new societies. These beings will have to be very strong. They will have to have eradicated fears as much as possible and they will often be beings who will be in telepathic contact with your Galactic Brothers.
How will societies restructure?
We will give you the case of a small town. We are not going to talk about big cities because very big cities like Paris, Lyon, Marseille, etc., will have suffered considerable damage and very significant human losses; we’re going to talk about restructuring a small town.
All the inhabitants who will be there, who will have the capacity and the duty to recreate societies, will come together in communities of wisdom, in communities of help. Everyone will have the ability and the duty to say what he thinks of such and such a thing. There will be no leaders. There will only be beings who will associate in a new consciousness, because when the human being has experienced the great end of tribulations, he will have another consciousness, he will begin to acquire a consciousness of non-duality, an awareness of non-power in order to be in unity with all his brothers, and to be able to recreate a suitable civilization, comfortable for them. It will be unity in sharing.
Each will give according to what he is, what he knows, and there will always be colleges of beings a little more in wisdom, in evolution, in understanding in relation to others, and who will be there to protect society.
The word “war” will no longer exist. There will be very important and very positive exchanges between the communities. Instead of having these big cities that are totally inhuman, there will be communities that can be made up of up to ten thousand people.
There will be several cities of ten thousand people, but the great cities, the great metropolises will no longer exist, because you will not be able to create communities in unity in inhuman cities which are not, and which have not, never been elsewhere, on a human scale. So everything will be shared for the good of all.
Education will be done as it was done in many ancient societies. It will already be done by learning about nature, the various kingdoms to have this total respect and also gradually learn to enter into communication with the environment to better protect it and better respect it.
Obviously, in this new society, people will be vegetarians. The only kingdom that will have chosen to give itself to animals and humans will be the vegetable kingdom. It chose this kind of sacrifice out of Love to feed the other kingdoms.
The men of the new civilization will also learn to feed themselves with much more energy. There will be centers for learning to understand the body, the energy bodies, to understand all the centers of force, to circulate the energies well in them, to absorb the pranic energy on the outside and to eat a lot of energy.
This will not be at the very beginning of this new civilization; the beginning will be grouping and will concern more the protection of the community. Gradually, given the immense vibrations, humans will wake up to another consciousness and learn to feed themselves in other ways as well. There will come a time when human beings will eat a lot of fruit. Some huge flowers will also be edible, but humans will learn more and more to nourish themselves with energy or prana, and they will nourish themselves by the outer force centers, that is, their subtle bodies will bring them the energy necessary for the proper functioning of the physical body, which will also no longer be as it is now; it will have become harmonious.
Even beings who may be too strong or too thin, etc., with the help of the new energies, the help of different nourishment and almost perfect health in them, will restructure their physical form by the ability that will have their minds to heal their bodies and restructure their vehicle of manifestation.
So to come back to this society, in a way you will also have help to restructure yourself, to give you back the societal structures in total balance. At the beginning it will be an inspired help, that is to say that beings like our channel will be able to channel to restructure societies and ensure that they function for the good of all in Love, in serenity, in joy and above all in creativity.
Later, when you are still a little more awake – because the awakening will take place in several stages – you will perceive your Galactic Brothers who will not only come to visit you but who will also come to help you to go further in the creation of your societies that is to say in culture, in art, in all that you can create by thought and with your hands. You will have that for a little while and then the cultivation of humans will shift into something else again in preparation for the Golden Age.
When you are in this first little intermediate time, you will already be performing miracles on your body. At the very beginning you will need the help of the plants, the help of the crystals and the help of people a little more enlightened than you who can make you aware of who you are and the power of your thought. So at the beginning it will be learning another way of functioning, another life, quite simply, and all this will be done smoothly.
Of course you could say: “It’s an illusion, you might be telling us a great story!” But we are going to say that this story is yours, it is you who will create your new world, it is not us! We will inspire you, but you will be the authors, you will be the craftsmen of your new world. If you really want to create it, it will be! And it will be in a relatively short time if there are a number of humans in the world who want it.
It is also necessary that you know that your deep wishes are heard by those who have the mission to manage your planet, therefore the Great Beings of Light, because even if you have the impression that it is the humans who manage the planet Earth, it is absolutely not them.
We let you act like terrible children, we let you do it up to a point. If you go beyond what is allowed, like nonsense among other things, we put a stop to it and we can even crack down because you do not have the right to destroy your world; so we act based on what you do and right now it’s still the time for nonsense … the word “silliness” associated with those we might consider children, but there will come a time when all that nonsense will no longer be permitted.
So for now you have the choice to move quickly to this new society. “
They also tell me:
“You have the feeling that the shadow has immense power, that what you call the deep state is so powerful all over the world with its ramifications down to the bottom of the ladder, that it will be very difficult to do so, dethrone, to annihilate even, but we will tell you that no because the shadow is fragile! She is not aware of Love and the representatives of the shadow are also not aware of Love, so they are fragile.
You, who are aware of The Love, who are aware of this immense force of life that is Love, have the power, and it is you, in a certain way who scares the shadows, and this it is you who are going to push back the shadows by your behavior, to the point of annihilating it. This is also your mission: above all not to fear the shadow because if you are afraid of it you give it even more power, but if you are not afraid of it, it will retreat.
They also tell me:
“When you recreate these societies, the movements will be in a different way. When there are cities, you will create a really very important comfort there; you will be able to make moving sidewalks instead of streets, use technology – which you will discover and which exists – for well-being and not for power. “
They show me small vehicles with transparent domes they will be vehicles that will move in the air, some not very high and others much higher, and they will be very fast vehicles.
“It won’t be for now, it will be after a moment of reconstruction.
What will absolutely want to put in place those whose mission will be to recreate this world is a stable world, a pure world, a world where each being can express himself, where each being will have the same value. There will be no discrimination at the level of intelligence, at the level of culture; all beings will be equal.
The only difference that there may be is that some beings will have a little less capacity because they will not be old souls; there will still be young souls who will have to be accompanied, but there will be total respect for difference, whether cultural or otherwise; there will be total respect, and that is what is lacking in your current society: respect, respect for life, your own respect and respect for those around you.
So your societies, compared to your current societies, will be like little havens.
So the politics? It will no longer exist! Politics is the reign of the dark, it is the reign of absolute power and you see it in many countries of your world; you crush the people for your own pleasure. So the word “political” will even be banned, it will no longer exist, and very quickly human beings will become aware of the power of the word, of the verb.
The words “fear”, “politics”, “disease” will be banished, and all inferior words will be banished, but instinctively; you will no longer want to pronounce them and they will no longer have a place in your communities, in your ways of living and being.
It will therefore be a peaceful and pleasant life, a life which will make you evolve but not through suffering, through beauty and Love! ”