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7 Responses

  1. june groves says:

    I usually watch all of your post, and I usually agree with you.

  2. Capt. M. says:

    Emil, you minimized and left out important aspects of life under communism in your country of birth! Obviously, you have not lived thru the purges of very late 1940’s and 1950’s, being too young. 3-5 gallons of gas a month ration sounds pitiful. When I visited Romania sometime during 1980’s, food store shelves were empty and sometimes only filled with canned beans……. Queues everywhere even for mineral water. What are you talking about? Do you come from a communist member family? No offense. Get your facts straight. Yes, there is obesity on USA and many social ills but Romania then and now cannot compare to USA . The school system was draconian where you came from and higher education was rationed just like food and consumer goods. Doctors were corrupt and lacked modern medical equipment and medicines. Remember, during the HIV epidemic when people were infected thru blood transfusions – a method of treatment used during the late 1800’s. Sorry but you do not qualify as a social / political historian.

  3. Neil Saunders says:

    Capt. M. of the CIA has spoken.

  4. Jody Goar says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed your vignette regarding your experiences in Romania. Must be kind of stranno to find out that someone who visited your home country knows much more about it than you. In any case, I found it quite interesting. Thank you, and good job.

  5. Doug says:

    Where is “Here” ?

  6. Warren Thornton says:

    I would like to interview you, a sample of my work

  7. Rod says:

    Boris Johnson calling Tucker Carlson a Traitor
    Out of these two , who would one trust the most in telling the truth?

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