Debunking the New York Times’ Lazy Ukraine “Satellite Investigation” | The New Atlas | Apr 6, 2022 (Video)
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The New Atlas
16 min
The New York Times claims satellite images it has obtained “prove” Russia is lying about a supposed “massacre” northwest of Kiev.
However, their own evidence together with videos produced by Ukraine’s own military suggests heavy artillery and mortar strikes most likely killed the majority of those found on the streets.
Another video suggests a Russian armored vehicle may have accidentally shot at least one civilian from around a corner in the middle of tense combat.
Together, it is clear there was no deliberate “massacre” – at least not until Russian forces left the area.
Bound and executed civilians appear to have died much more recently, implicating Ukraine – however there is little chance an objective investigation will be launched by the West specifically because of all these indicators.
Anti-War Soldier (Twitter) – a thread countering the New York Times’ claims regarding an alleged “massacre” (warning: GRAPHIC):
The New Atlas – Video Appears to Show Ukrainians Killing POWs in Same Fashion as Kiev Victims:
Readovka (Telegram) – video of Ukrainian forces executing & mutilating bound Russian soldiers (WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC) :
Reuters – In Ukrainian street, a corpse with hands bound and a bullet wound to the head:
Washington Post – Russia has killed civilians in Ukraine. Kyiv’s defense tactics add to the danger:
New York Times – A video shows Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine being beaten and shot in their legs:
News Dot Com Dot AU – Ukrainian civilians stripped, tied up and beaten by vigilantes in shocking videos: