Excerpt: Chapter 1: Introduction to Pedophilia – The Mental Disorder and the Child Sex Abuse Crime | Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State | Joachim Hagopian | PedoEmpire.org
Content Owner: Joachim Hagopian
- An individual who has had arousing fantasies about, urges for, or behaviors with a prepubescent child or children.
- The individual has acted out these sexual desires, or is experiencing significant distress or difficulty as a result of these desires.
- The Individual is at least 16 years of age, and minimally five years older than the child or children.
As alluded to by both research findings and the quote above, pedophilia is an unalterable condition, a biological predisposition that one is born with. Hence, the consensus amongst researchers is that pedophilia is indeed a sexual orientation from birth, similar to homosexuality, which up until a few decades ago was also deemed a mental disorder.
Pedophilic disorder manifests as an onset in males at puberty.[35] Though according to US Justice Department, 96% of pedophile offenders reported to law enforcement in 1999 were male,[36] other studies have found that as many as 20% of the offenders of young boys were actually female and 5% offending girl victims were women.[37] Child sexual molestation perpetrated by adult women also tends to be less reported since society grants the nurturing bond of maternal love a far wider parameter when it comes to physical contact with children, reinforced by the common misperception that virtually all child rapists must be men.
Another factor making boy victims of adult women far more sensationalized in the media and different from girls molested by men is illustrated in the classic teacher-boy child relationship – the common myth that a 13 or 14 year old male is not a victim at all, but just the opposite – a fortunate beneficiary experiencing his “rite of passage” compliments of the mature “hot babe” who shows him the sexual ropes.[38] This theme’s often been exploited by the “Mrs. Robinson affair” in films like “The Graduate” and “The Summer of ’42” as well as illuminated by the infamous 20 year old case of former teacher Mary Kay Letourneau’s scandalous affair and marriage with her onetime 12-year old student turned longtime husband and father of her two youngest children, now their young adult daughters.[39]
On the other hand, male survivors of early child sexual abuse in a very real way have a more difficult time coping with sexual trauma.[40] The “macho male” conditioning that pressures males to always feel the need to be in control as the “stronger” of the two sexes, never allowing themselves to be vulnerable or shed tears for fear of being perceived as weak, this societal brainwash acts as heavy gender baggage that makes successfully working through sexual trauma all that much more of a challenge, compounded by the reality that males are far less apt to even seek help through support groups or therapy,[41] much less even confide in disclosing past abuse to others. Older abused boys and men are far more prone to acting out their internal anger and shame through violence toward self through suicide, or becoming drug addicts, or violence directed toward others, ending up in prison, potentially committing even rape and murder in a maladjusted desperate attempt to regain a feeling of control over their body and lives. Fear of being judged gay or a child molester keeps males from admitting they’ve ever been sexually abused.
With a mental health career spanning over a quarter century, I can vouch for the emotional scars causing child abuse victims to typically struggle with chronic low self-esteem, shame, self-loathing and self-blame, suicidal impulses, and severe lack of trust issues carried over into adulthood that manifest through major barriers in forming healthy intimate love relationships as well as creating work related problems.[42] The longitudinal effects of unresolved childhood trauma become a lifetime sentence and never-ending burden that victims take to their early graves twenty years ahead of their non-abused peers.[43] Even 17 years after a single sexual assault, one in six adult victims were found to still suffer from PTSD symptoms of flashbacks, nightmares and anxiety years later.[44] An extremely young fragile child victimized by sexual trauma at such an early developmentally formative, critical stage can rarely fully recover.
A cursory glance at the rising suicide rates across all generations, but especially amongst children, the highest in 30 years,[45] along with institutional trauma settings such as hospitals, women’s shelters, courts and prisons, all give sobering pause, contemplating the devastating impact that child sexual abuse around the world ravages. Meanwhile, because this same world has failed so miserably to protect our children, each child rapist has been allowed to keep destroying hundreds of more innocent lives – 260 on average – before getting caught.[46] With children our future, we absolutely must stop this egregious, self-replicating cycle from exponentially destroying the fate of humanity that’s now hanging in the balance. Our pretending this global epidemic threatening the future of humanity doesn’t really exist by simply keeping our heads in the sand because child rape is just too emotionally overwhelming and shocking to even think about is no excuse. Our silence or running away only makes us part of the problem. The purpose of this book is to inform, educate and ultimately empower us to take constructive and decisive action together so that we can collectively end these horrific crimes against children.
The following paragraphs address a few more important statistical facts about pedophilia. Somewhat surprising findings are that near one in four (23%) pedophilic offenders are under 18, meaning that their victims were at least five years younger, and near half at 40% of offenders of victims under age 6 were juveniles themselves and 39% of the reported cases involving victims aged 6-11 were committed by juveniles.[47] With the typical male offender already molesting children by age 15, three out of four convicted pedophile rapists are under the age of 35. Highly correlated with the breakdown of the American nuclear family unit,[48] as far back as the mid-1980’s a dramatic spike was observed in the number of cases involving kids raping kids.
Younger child victims are very rarely molested by strangers (under age 6 only 3% and 6-11 only 5%) as 89% of all child sexual assault cases involve acquaintance relationships such as caretakers or family members.[49] Another important fallacy to understand is even though a small number of child abuse victims become pedophilic perpetrators, an overwhelming percentage of both male and female pedophiles were sexually abused as children.[50] On a related note, in a 1991 survey of state prison inmates in America, those convicted of raping children were significantly more apt to be child victims themselves than those sexual offenders that victimized adults.[51]
That same 1991 state prisoner survey showed that whites comprised 70% of America’s state prison population convicted of child molestation whereas only 40% of those convicted of violent crimes against adults were white. Again from that same study, 2 out of 3 of all the convicted rapists reported that they had included children as their victims as well. The 1991 survey also found that about 10% of violent offenders against child victims received either a lifetime or death sentence yet the average sentence of 11 years for child rapists was less time than the average sentences received by rapists of adults.[52] So raping a child results in less punishment than raping an adult. Again, confirmation that in America less value is placed on the life of an unprotected child than adults. Is it any wonder we’re amidst a global epidemic of trafficked in child pedophile victims?
The FBI contends that only 1-10% of all the incidents involving child molestation even get reported to law enforcement.[53] Though an exact percentage cannot be determined, based on anonymous survey studies, an estimated 3-5% of the general population are believed to be pedophiles.[54] Contrast that figure with the percentage of US presidents and Congress members who are pedophiles and that number shoots upwards from a third to a half as estimated by several recent government insiders, though many result from being ensnared by a CIA/Mossad run deceptive pedophile blackmail system that’s also been operating worldwide now for numerous decades.[55]
Speaking of Washington’s dirty trick politics, in the face of the controversial Pizzagate scandal that broke last year,[56] and many other confirmed documented scandals involving pedophilia and prominent government leaders in recent decades,[57] the now unavoidably recognized major human problem of child sex trafficking and its global implications as a widespread epidemic, make it incumbent upon this ambitious endeavor to offer a sound and accurate introduction to this all profoundly important subject matter that provides a clear and basic understanding of what pedophilia and its worldwide ramifications engender.
After the historic path of homosexuality moving from longtime mental disorder to today’s social acceptance as a mere “sexual preference,”[58] and APA’s embarrassing “oops” moment in 2013 attempting to likewise slip in pedophilic disorder as a “sexual orientation” and preference, their cultural parallels are now visibly working overtime to destigmatize and normalize pedophilia. With that in mind, a brief look at homosexuality’s metamorphosis is relevant. Since 1973’s DSM-2, homosexuality was officially removed[59] as a psychiatric mental disorder,[60] having gradually come to be viewed as a normal variant within the normative range of human sexuality, believed to also be predetermined biologically from birth. Its wide acceptance today, especially among younger generations, means that LGBT members can honestly be who they are, no longer forced to live in the closeted shame pretending to be someone they’re not fearing harassment and persecution. Though some religions and individuals persist in holding onto sectarian or personal beliefs and moral judgement that engaging in homosexual acts constitute an abnormal, pathological sin, as of June 26th, 2015, the US Supreme Court granted the same legal marital rights to homosexual couples previously reserved only for traditional heterosexual marriage.[61]
As a longtime clinician and licensed Marriage Family Therapist, I agree that homosexuality should not be viewed as sexual deviancy or as a pathological disorder merely because the majority of humans are heterosexual, and that sex between two consenting adults – hetero or gay, is nobody else’s business. In my opinion gay couples or any LGBT combo thereof should be afforded the same basic legal rights and social privileges as married men and women, again affirmed two years ago by the Supreme Court.
But beyond that level of social equality and legal justice, I also maintain that people are entitled their own personal opinion as well as freedom of expression regardless of their particular pro or con position on homosexuality, despite the fact that these days, we’ve seen our First Amendment free speech rights usurped and destroyed by militant Politically Correct Gestapo thought police[62] quietly deployed and backed by the deep state New World Order agenda aggressively attacking our national sovereignty,[63] constitutional rights, our individual sovereignty, religious rights, our family as a sovereign institution along with our parental rights. Everyone, regardless of position, whether socially accepted by consensus or not, has the right to think and speak his or her mind. Sadly, already in the early twenty-first century, America’s disappearing freedoms one by one are being eliminated.[64]
Clearly the ruling elite’s overt agenda, using its go-to formula to divide and conquer[65] is busily creating such dissention, disunity, conflict and turmoil on this planet in order to establish dire enough conditions to facilitate a one world government[66] and one world religion[67] promising to “save us all” in order to completely enslave and control the global masses under a tyrannical centralized system of feudal totalitarianism. As such, the elite’s design is also to ensure that homosexuality, the entire LGBT PC agenda and pedophilia are incessantly infused into one “social justice” movement in the mind of the masses. Following the “success” in recent decades of the elite’s massive social engineering experimentation on humanity,[68] nefariously miseducating and manipulating generations of both males and females with massively blurred gender role and identity confusion,[69] we’re now witnessing a similar propaganda media blitz intending to normalize pedophilia as simply another “benign” life choice, deceptively on the heels of the LGBT movement.[70] Chapter 2 will delve much deeper into this all important topic.
Meanwhile, as mainstream media continues to lie and deny the existence of a global pedophilia epidemic and its extensive child sex trafficking networks operating worldwide,[71] taking delight in calling Pizzagate fake news,[72] the public isn’t buying it, coming to realize that many of our most powerful figures in government[73] on both sides of the Atlantic,[74] in the courts, corporations, banks, military, law enforcement, the intelligence community, communications media and the saturated entertainment industry[75] are either practicing pedophiles of the Luciferian persuasion[76] or are heavily compromised and controlled through the demonic elite’s extensive pedophile blackmail system.[77] The aim of this book is to fully expose this pedophile elite’s very dark, perverse web as the most expedient means to urgently protect our children while bringing down the pedo-crime cabal once and for all.[78]
According to research compiled over two decades ago, it was estimated that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually victimized as minors.[79] A more recent finding asserts that now one in three girls and one in five boys is sexually molested.[80] Multiple reports are now coming in from around the world, in places like Africa,[81] India[82] and Europe,[83] all confirming that child sexual abuse is surging,[84] including online child pornography,[85] to become a worldwide epidemic today. We must take a decisive stand now to stamp out this growing scourge, first by educating ourselves as to the extent and pervasiveness of the problem, and second by becoming proactive activists committed to positive change that includes taking steps to protect children from further exploitation and abuse, helping victims of all ages heal, while eradicating this malignant network of child rapists operating behind a millennium of sealed off impunity and previously impenetrable power.[86] Through Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, we can unveil the truth to usher in a peaceful revolution that will forever end the pedo-blackmail system that has controlled our politicians over this last century.
As a mental health clinician, I worked closely with hundreds of minors who are mostly incest pedophile victims turned courageous survivors. Drawing from my gratifying years of experience helping to heal emotional wounds of their trauma, I possess a lifelong passion and commitment to do what I can do to help one person at a time to heal this planet from centuries of criminal abuse perpetrated on our most vulnerable and defenseless population. As a therapist I spent way too many trips going to children’s court only to not be heard while fighting to protect my child clients from further abuse by a thoroughly broken child welfare system that’s failed to keep kids safe for far too long,[87] at times knowingly and willfully endangering youth to suffer additional mistreatment and horror that haunts them for the rest of their lives.
In the same way as a cadet and academy graduate I never endorsed West Point’s failed leadership training program that merely produces the most avid order followers and robotic enforcers,[88] as a mental health therapist I never endorsed the sanctity of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders as “every diagnostician’s so called bible.”[89] It’s neither an accurate nor fair account of classifying mental illness nor categorizing mental disorders, but merely an artificial social and political construct elevated to an undeserving pedestal status, given far too much credence to pseudo-science dogma for sole benefit of the medical and psychiatric establishment and institutionalized hierarchical corruption.[90] In this morally bankrupt system, a few degrees and credentials provide the power differential license to exploit and harm others. Armed with their educational brainwash, far too many psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists are trained to systematically psycho-pathologize and misjudge those perceived in any way “different,” “deviant,” “abnormal,” “pathological,” “crazy,” “insane,” “negative,” or “bad,” as a subgroup of so called mentally ill humans to recklessly conduct unscientific and inhumane experimentation on as their human guinea pigs,[91] with unproven theories and ineffectual dogmatic practices, prescribing harmful, even lethal drugs that straightjacket emotions, and smother symptoms and ultimately the very life out of their patients, never getting to the underlying, buried causes of dis-ease. Overmedicated America has more citizens dying from opioid overdoses than from cars and guns.[92] So Big Pharma’s been spreading its global reach overseas to Eastern Europe, testing new drugs on a whole new population of human guinea pigs to save costs and cut yet more corners on safety.[93]
Moreover, 10 clinicians assessing the same client presenting the same problems/symptoms invariably will come up with 10 different diagnoses based upon each’s own preconceived notions and familiar biases as interrater reliability is zero.[94] What does this tell you? Psychology and psychiatry are not like the natural sciences or even medical science where in the lab and under the microscope certain scientific laws and formulas are precisely consistent, easily replicated, proven and confirmed. But when it comes to the complexity of the human mind, based on a few minutes or even a few hours of behavioral observation, clinically assessing and diagnosing is about as unscientific and subjective as you can get.[95] Consequently, clinicians misdiagnose patients most of the time, and since their entire treatment rests on an accurate diagnosis, patients are mistreated with the wrong drugs that do damage (since psychiatrists are generally owned by Big Pharma as glorified drug pushers).
On top of this blanketed pigeonholing system that gets it wrong so much of the time operating exclusively from a DSM “bible”[96] that with each revision adds scores of “newly discovered” mental disorders so that more human guinea pigs can be drugged for profit,[97] every single psychiatric diagnosis is based solely on a formulaic assessment interview and limited observable behavior (with most shrinks in my experience typically spending all of five to ten minutes per patient). External human behavior is derived from a whole host of internal dynamics based on an interplay of thoughts and feelings drawn from multilayered factors that include sensory input and processing, early childhood conditioning, any past trauma personality, individuality, learned experience, genetics, situational determinants and biochemistry that together at any given moment can act as various causative agents. But relegating everything to a quick biochemical fix is a hit and miss operation that utterly fails to grasp the complexities of the human mind and spirit. The half empty lens of abnormality and impairment is the wrong approach. The glass as half full perspective offers a more positive, strength based, integrative and holistic focus that assists clients build a stronger social support system and produces far better outcomes and prognoses.
Worst of all, the pervasive stigmatization,[98] particularly prone in Western societies, being mislabeled[99] as mentally ill is so far reaching, ethically and morally unjustified and emotionally crippling, it renders whatever small merit the failed psychiatric diagnostic system as not worth the colossal damage caused to millions of people branded with mental illness. That this “convenient” diagnostic classification system has been insidiously co-opted, financially exploited, thoroughly corrupted and diabolically controlled by the cancerous giant pharmaceutical industry[100] known as Big Pharma represents an abhorrent WMD abomination against humanity. It’s a total betrayal of the Greek physician and original oath author Hippocrates’ axiom “first, do no harm.”[101] Finally, pertaining to those afflicted with pedophilia disorder, currently there exists neither an effective drug nor an effective cure,[102] remedy or treatment that eliminates the typically overwhelming compulsions driving so many pedophiles to repeatedly reoffend.