‘Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light’ – A Journey of Spirit Retrieval and Awakening by Niara Terela Isley (Book, Free Pdf)

I’m sharing a post by Niara Terela Isley about her releasing a free pdf version of her recent book ‘Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light – A Journey of Spirit Retrieval and Awakening’.

My intention is to promote this book for those who may find it helpful on their path of awakening and healing.

Content Source/Owner: Niara Terela Isley

Original Post linkhttps://facingtheshadowembracingthelight.com/2019/05/21/a-gift-to-all-my-friends-followers/?fbclid=IwAR0_ALPWARA9Z5AqjU5QnziprfLdl0irXcV51eo7LmLcoYniXtSyg7exEjk

This post was originally published on May 21, 2019.

Hi Everyone,

It seems like my life has been in a state of chaos for one reason or another since my book was published. And, due to an unavoidable legal process, it still is… for a while to come.

Since this is preventing me from getting more information out to you about my primary message, summed up in this memory I recently shared on Facebook…

… I’ve decided, for many reasons, to share my book, Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light: A Journey of Spirit Retrieval and Awakening, in a PDF format for any who have wanted to read it and for one reason or another, haven’t gotten to it yet, especially if they just couldn’t afford the hard copy month after month for whatever reason.

In Part III, Awakening, I share a great deal about the nature of consciousness and spirituality, about our emotions and emotional natures, and what purpose they serve in our lives. About freedom and it’s twin attribute, responsibility and how these two must always go hand in hand. But there is much that touches on these vital subjects throughout the book. I recommend reading it all the way through, beginning to end. I did my very best to write the very traumatic parts of my experiences as gracefully and non-graphically as possible.

But if there are chapters that any of you find triggering or too much to handle in any way, then start with Part III, Awakening. Later you may want to go back and read the whole thing to understand the trauma I went through that became my shamanic rite of initiation that would awaken within me all that I wrote about in Part III, Awakening. It is sometimes the darkest, most shattering experiences we go through, without dying, that open us to the greatest light. And I invite you to take that journey with me by reading the entire book. You’ll survive it, because I survived the actual experiences and lived to tell about them.

Most important, the keys to the information I want you all to have are in this book, scattered throughout, but mainly in Part III, Awakening.

We must ignite a fire that will unify human consciousness, that can only be ignited by loving each other more than we wish to fight with each other about petty differences. We are all part of the family of humanity, and we are all part of a larger family of life that is all life on Earth, animal, plant and mineral. And we are part of an ever-larger family of life that pervades the entire multiverse Itself at every level. We all exist because the Conscious, Living and Loving Multiverse Itself loves us. That love is intimate to each and every one of us with the inflow and outflow of every breath we take.

I give this message on film, towards the end of Above Majestic – the widely-acclaimed red pill documentary by Roger Richards, with Corey Goode and David Wilcock that came out last October 2018. It is a powerful message – one that I hope reaches into every heart that hears it.

We must love each other – an unconditional and divine kind of love – and unify our consciousness through it to take control of the matrix of our reality and shape it into the world we wish to have. We must do it as if our lives depend upon it. Because they do.

We can create a world that honors all life. A world where children are safe and dearly loved and nurtured. A world where health is supported by the most wholesome means. A world healed and returned to a completely clean and pristine environment. A world where beneficial technology is openly shared and used to transform our planet into a paradise for all.

So, here it is, my gift to all of you who have found my words or interviews worth listening to and have reached out to me in one way or another on social media.

Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light

This PDF of my book is offered completely free to all.

If anyone wishes to extend any gratitude donation to me for this offer of any amount, they can make that donation here:


Donations are gratefully accepted, but not in any way required.

Donations that do come in will be used mainly for groceries and gas while the legal process I’m in at this time is in process. I hope it will be concluded in my favor, and soon. Your best wishes and intentions for the highest and best outcome are deeply appreciated.

Enjoy the book…

Much Love,
Niara Terela

PS: I know many of you have heard my channeled singing, and I’m working on a way to get some of that out to you as well. I need to find a place to record with the best acoustics I can find here locally, and make sure my little recording studio device is still working properly. Stay tuned for that, hopefully in the near future.


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