Petition: Urgent, time is running out – Pardon Edward Snowden

Please sign this petition for Edward Snowden to be pardoned (by outgoing US President, Barrack Obama) if you feel guided to act.

Link to Petition for International/non-US (thru Amnesty International):

Link to Petition for US Citizens:


Edward Snowden is a young American who became aware of a mass surveillance system that had been growing secretly for years without democratic consent. At great personal risk, he blew the whistle.

Thanks to his act of conscience, America’s surveillance programs have been subjected to democratic scrutiny, the NSA’s surveillance powers were reined in for the first time in decades, and technology companies around the world are newly invigorated to protect their customers and strengthen our communications infrastructure.

Snowden should be hailed as a hero. Instead, he is exiled in Moscow, and faces decades in prison under World War One-era charges that treat him like a spy. Ed stood up for us, and it’s time for us to stand up for him. Urge President Obama to pardon Edward Snowden, and let him come home with dignity.


Edward Snowden is a hero not a traitor

He stood up for our rights, prompting a global debate on mass surveillance that changed the world – yet he faces decades in prison for it.

When Edward Snowden shared US intelligence documents with journalists in June 2013, he revealed the shocking extent of global mass surveillance. He showed how governments were secretly scooping up huge chunks of our personal communications, including private emails, phone locations, web histories and so much more. All without our consent.

His courage changed the world. He sparked a global debate, changing laws and helping to protect our privacy. Edward Snowden is a human rights hero, yet he faces decades in prison under charges that treat him like a spy who sold secrets to enemies of the USA.

Please sign our petition, which we have launched in partnership with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Pardon Snowden campaign.

Tell President Obama to pardon Edward Snowden, a whistleblower who acted solely in the public interest.

Dear President Obama

When Edward Snowden shared US intelligence documents with journalists in 2013, he did so because he believed that the government and citizens of his country – and the world – needed to confront the truth. That truth was the existence of a global mass surveillance system deployed by governments to spy on our personal communications, including private emails, phone locations, web histories and more.

In choosing to share this information, Edward Snowden prompted a global debate, changing laws and helping to protect our privacy. For the first time in nearly 40 years, the USA passed laws to restrict government surveillance. Globally, technology companies including Apple and WhatsApp, are now doing more to protect our personal information.

None of this would have happened without Edward Snowden. Former US Attorney General Eric Holder admitted that Snowden “performed a public service”. Even you, Mr President, have said that this debate about surveillance “will make us stronger”. And yet, Edward Snowden still faces decades in prison under laws that equate whistleblowing in the public interest with selling secrets to enemies of the USA.

I am confident that history will remember Edward Snowden for the reforms he helped bring about. But there is no need to wait for history’s judgement.

President Obama, I call on you to pardon Edward Snowden, a whistleblower who acted solely in the public interest.

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