The Forgotten Tunnels Under Washington D.C…(bizarre) | Really Graceful | Oct 24, 2019 (Video)

This video is about Washington DC’s mole man, Dr. Harrison Dyar, and the tunnels he dug over the span of twenty years. What do we know about this Smithsonian bug man aside from his scandalous personal life and his favorite way to pass the time? 
What happened to Dr. Dyar’s catacombs in Washington DC? 
Are they still in use today? 

Moths, Myths, and Mosquitoes: The Eccentric Life of Harrison G. Dyar, Jr.
By Marc Epstein 
There’s a building near Chicago that looks just like the Sept of Baelor from ‘Game of Thrones’ 
Dyar, Harrison Gray, Jr. by Pamela M. Henson 
Inside the tunnels of Washington’s mole man, Harrison G. Dyar 
A flame as a moth: how I began chronicling the life of Harrison G. Dyar, Jr., Part 1 
Digging for Dyar: The Man Behind the Myth
Marc E. Epstein, Pamela M. Henson 
Tunnel-Digging as a Hobby (Aug, 1932) 
History of Smithsonian 
Why Was Benjamin Franklin’s Basement Filled With Skeletons? Read more: 
Why the Washington Post ‘s New Ties to the CIA Are So Ominous 

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