VishwaAmara | The New Year — 2021 | Jan 3, 2021
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This article was originally published by VishwaAmara on January 3, 2021.
We wish you and the entire humanity a healthy, peaceful and joyous New Year.
The leading narrative of last year was the pandemic and it shaped much of the global and personal events. Among the issues that had the biggest impact was that many lost their loved ones and friends, and many went through financial hardships.
The events of the past year forced many to tune inwards. They had to deal with the suppressed issues and come face to face with their shortcomings. It also forced individuals to be flexible to change and coerced all to prioritize on the important aspects of their lives. The more we have been able to go with the flow, the easier it has been.
On the positive side, many connected better with their families and the empathy towards the less fortunate has increased. The global events also forced people to adjust, be grateful for the opportunities and facilities they have. And importantly, there is much stronger global awareness now about various issues like health care and climate change.
The past year was also very important with respect to our transition to the Light Age. It was the beginning of a new decade and many processes were initiated keeping the entire decade in view.
The transition process continues this year also. A good development is that more positive aspects will begin to surface. Until now, the churning and pralaya process induced the surfacing of the negative aspects predominantly. Going ahead more of the positive aspects also begin coming to the fore, along with the suppressed negativity.
Purusha and Shakti of 2021
Every year, the Shunya Masa Rishis help set the tone for the next year and they initiate various processes for this. For example, during the previous year, there was a Personality invoked every month who would be in charge of that particular month.
This year, they have invoked a Purusha and a Shakti to be in charge of the entire year. These Personalities are the amshas of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati respectively. There are twelve Energetic Beings created by the Purusha and Shakti who will take care of the respective months. Each of the months will be independent of the other. The energies, the churning processes and other aspects will keep varying.
2021 has been named as the Vibrant Rainbow Year by the Rishis.
We can connect to the Year of 2021, and to the Purusha and Shakti of the year with the help of bright Silverish-Blue Light. By connecting to them, we understand more about the year and the ongoing processes.
We can also take the help of the Light when we are overwhelmed or when we want help in seeing the way forward.
Looking Ahead
From the Spiritual Plane, the year ahead is very promising. But at the physical, it will still be one of challenges and churning, that humanity has to face, learn from and grow.
The coming year will be one of many tests and experiments. Various new methods and processes will be carried out by the Divine to strengthen the transition process and coerce humanity from its stubbornness. Humanity’s reaction and ability to change will determine the future years.
Many new discoveries will surface, much of which humanity is not comfortable with. The surfacing of such realities brings about changes to the Awareness of humanity.
So far, most of the churning processes have thrown up the negative aspects – in people, situations, and events. Last year, positive aspects also began to surface. This year more of the positive aspects will surface and there will be a good mix of both the positives and negatives due to the Pralaya processes.
There has always been a gap between the action and the results. As we move ahead, this gap will begin to reduce. We will be able to see the outcomes faster.
The pace of time will be hastened further. As individuals, we have to be careful and make the best use of the days. Else weeks and months can slip by without much notice.
2021 may feel like a marathon. Normally, we can feel the difference in pace of life through each month. The year ahead may not be so distinct. It is likely to be one long year with varied phases rather than the way we are used to.
The faster pace of time forces rapid changes which are very essential to bring about transformation, the end goal being the Light Age.
Among the experiments, new energies will also be released to the Earth. Most of the new energies released by the Divine has so far been in the form of Light and energies. From this year, the Divine will also start releasing energies in the form of Sound and Music (it will not be in an audible sense. It is more in the form of sound codes). These are new and they will be resonating with the different months and days of the year.
Also as a part of the new experimentation, every action by an individual will attract both a positive and negative result. For example, if a person begins to exercise, other than the health benefits, the negative results could be more tiredness. In the big picture, humanity is largely selfish and self-centric. About 90% of human actions is not positive. So by having both results to a particular action, there is an expectation to slowly increase the positivity on Earth. Be alert and aware of your actions. Any negative developments can be handled with your spiritual maturity.
Other than there being both aspects to a particular action, one can also expect varied results for the same action and effort. It should be interesting along with the prevalent global Pandemic situation.
Many of the energies being released this year will be persistent in its action. It will stick to an individual and keep coercing.
An important feature expected is that there will be opportunities to explore new avenues that we did not even know we had. There can be a change in careers, mentality etc. Extreme change is possible if humanity so chooses.
The younger generation’s voice will also be more recognised. If properly channelled, they can influence many changes in their respective nations and to the world in general.
We have to repeat the common Spiritual practices that will help you on a daily basis-
• Deep breathe often. It is important. It is a lubricant during the tough phases. It helps us to pause, comprehend better and act accordingly.
• The next practice is that of Pranayama with Light. Inhale and exhale bright Golden Light also along with your deep breaths. The more Light you are able to take in, the better it helps you. Practice daily for about 7-12 rounds regularly.
• Take the help of dark-Navy Blue Light to deal with any issue, situation and problem that you may have. Imagine this Light flowing from above and send it to the issue bothering you. The more consistently you practice this, the faster you can witness the results.
• You can also imagine your entire body filled with Golden Light always and keep experiencing it, throughout the day. Whenever you become aware, connect to the Light. The Light within helps in numerous ways including your health, guidance and wellbeing.
• You can also keep filling your home and workplace with Golden Light. The practice known as Lighting the Home, will help you fill the space with the positive energies. More calmness and peace will prevail making it a much better environment to be in.
• Focus on balancing both your material and spiritual aspects of your life.
• Also, focus on your physical and mental health. It is important. For this, you can pray to Goddess Santoshi Devi and practice the following technique –
Face East
Duration – 12 to 24 minutes.
Imagine dark-Pink Light coming from Goddess Santoshi Devi and filling you. Keep experiencing the Light within. Silently keep repeating the mantra “Om Santoshi Deviyai Namaha” silently.
• As a regular practice, you can also connect to the 2021 Purusha and Shakti with the help of bright Silverish-Blue Light, and to DashaAmasha Purusha.
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Note: We are not associated with any other Organization or Meditation Group. If you have any queries or would like to inquire about spiritual guidance, please email to [email protected].
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