Excerpt: Chapter 13: The Franklin Scandal and Cover-Up | Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State | Joachim Hagopian | PedoEmpire.org

Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State by Joachim Hagopian
I’m posting this book as a series of book excerpts chapter by chapter. The complete book is available free for reading online on PedoEmpire.org The printed edition of this book has also been released in 4 volumes. An E-book version can be purchased for Amazon Kindle as individual chapters.

Content OwnerJoachim Hagopian

Content SourcePedoEmpire.org


JANUARY 2, 2018
Chapter 13: The Franklin Scandal and Cover-Up
Joachim Hagopian
Chapter 13: The Franklin Disgrace: US History’s Biggest Pedophilia Scandal and Cover-up inside the Bush Senior White House
The most thoroughly documented evidence proving America’s global pedophilia network operating at the highest levels of the US government is the infamous Franklin scandal, uncovered in a June 29, 1989 mainstream newspaper article by the Washington Times,[1] also reported by Tom Brokaw on NBC’s Nightly News,[2] and fully exposed in the truth revealing British documentary “Conspiracy of Silence,”[3] despite it being literally pulled at the last minute from its original scheduled Discovery Channel airing on May 3, 1994.[4] After it was listed in the TV Guide for a 10PM viewing, it was abruptly cancelled and all copies of the Yorkshire Television video were suddenly bought up with a half million dollar production company payoff.[5] Had it not been for a single rough-cut copy anonymously sent to attorney John DeCamp a year after all videos were supposedly destroyed, the powers-that-shouldn’t-be would’ve successfully blacked out this explosive documentary from ever being seen by anyone. That’s how pervasive and absolute the sinister controllers’ power at the top is. And as it is, its television broadcast ban has persisted to this very day, but thanks to DeCamp and the internet, it’s still widely available.
A just deserts irony rings true here – after the government’s own top secret Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) invented the internet,[6] among other reasons as a potential tool for controlling the masses, similar to pedophilia, the internet has now fast become the elite’s international crime cabal’s own self-undoing.[7] Thankfully for us, truth can never be erased, at least not completely.
The Franklin scandal was also thoroughly chronicled in two very well-researched bestselling books, the first in 1992 called The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska written by the same aforementioned attorney, the late longtime Nebraska state senator John DeCamp,[8] and the other even more detailed account published in 2011 entitled The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse and Betrayal by journalist Nick Bryant.[9] Even CIA Mockingbird controlled propaganda ministry[10] rags like the Washington Post[11] and the New York Times[12] back in 1989 and 1990 ran articles covering the momentary blip on the public radar screen, documenting American history’s biggest, all but forgotten pedophile scandal. Of course the only reason for this amnesia is the massive top-down textbook cover-up.
Despite this brief wide exposure by a diverse array of MSM outlets, Bush senior ensured that within a month in the summer of ’89 the entire story got buried and ever since over the next three decades was hardly ever heard from again. Yet its uncovered, incontrovertible facts remain irrefutable and undeniable, once again illustrating how the most powerful people on this planet as Lucifer worshipping child rapists and murderers consistently get away with the most ungodly, egregious, shockingly despicable crimes in the history of humankind. Yet despite Trump’s victory last November “ending” the dynasty run of the Bush-Clinton-Obama crime family spree[13] as outed international drug lords[14] [15] and pedo-pimps,[16] [17] [18] Washington remains a fortified, entrenched deep state pedophile-saturated swamp currently committing treason against a sitting US president.[19]
While Trump’s military buildup, warmongering rhetoric and Zionist move to Jerusalem debacle may disastrously plunge humanity off the Armageddon cliff,[20] all the while the deep state against him has committed treason many times over.[21] Why Trump’s enemies have attacked him with such unprecedented vengeance may well be because, unlike all his predecessors, Trump could actually be going after the pedophile elite.[22] All the latest buzz of sealed indictments numbering well over 4,000 (as of late November 2017),[23] Trump’s Winter Solstice signed executive order arresting and freezing assets of human rights/trafficking violators[24] and Gitmo expansion to make room for plane loads of new inmate arrivals suggesting the Podestas, Clintons and Bushes are next,[25] have lots in alt-news happily celebrating the new year, but seeing is believing. But if true, it explains why deep state’s been so desperately determined to destroy Trump before he destroys deep state.
In any event, during the course of this last year, criminals both in and out of government have been stripped naked, exposing their grotesque orgiastic debauchery and predatory bloodlust, and God willing, they’ll all finally be paying for their treasonous high crimes against both humanity and our children. But their criminal accountability depends entirely on you and me to first accept this vile sickening reality of what they’ve been doing and then resolutely take constructive action to remove this long embedded, festering cancer. Never before have we the citizens of the world ever possessed such great opportunity and power to rid the planet of the monsters who’ve singlehandedly hijacked and arrested the very evolution of our human species.[26] And prior to the .01% of the world’s population of evildoers completely destroying the earth’s eco-system as our only home,[27] the time to take action has also never been more urgent than right now. With no exaggeration, survival of our planet literally hangs in the balance.
Focusing on the basic historical facts behind the Franklin scandal as perversely tragic as they are, Chapter 13 will serve as the classic eye-opener to understanding the anatomy of the US child sex trafficking network and pedophilia in high places’ prototypical cover-up. It’s been operating unimpeded and growing for nearly four straight decades now, but only recently has it been unveiled like never before. The Franklin truth bomb only demonstrates that despite its earlier exposure, during the ensuing decades the ruling elite puppet masters behind the child sex trafficking network have only stepped up their global criminal operation. At 46 million and counting, both human slavery and child sex slavery today shamefully stand at an all-time high in the history of Homo sapiens walking this earth.[28] Likewise, the pedophilia Empire has never been more gargantuan a beast and a metastasized worldwide epidemic than it is at this very moment. That’s why the light of truth exposing this dark, demonic and perverse world in our midst can instantly become the fully lit beacon that effectively unites humanity and sets us free to purge once and for all this age old blight of bloodsucking, soulless sodomizers from their too long entrenched earthly power and control. Only until we successfully eliminate this pedophilia scourge and its Luciferian blackmail system of political and economic control and deception can humanity usher in an age of transparency, peace, prosperity and justice on a never before seen scale. But let’s first learn the very important, harsh and bitter pill of a lesson from the pedophilia primer of the ages – the Franklin scandal.
Before proceeding, at the outset a distinction must be made that media accounts of this scandal invariably use inaccurate, misleading terminology to describe child sex slaves as call boys and child prostitutes, and instead of identifying these pedophilia crimes as a child sex trafficking operation, it’s typically referred to as simply child prostitution. By definition, prostitution connotes a mutually agreed upon transaction of financial gain for one party in exchange for volitionally provided bodily services to another. Conscripted, abducted, drugged and tortured abused child sex slaves who earn virtually zero money as rape victims, criminally and brutally exploited by both pimps and perpetrators alike, through sexual trauma and financial profit going near exclusively to adult criminals – not the child victims, should never be misconstrued as child prostitution, even when a monetary exchange between pimp and perpetrator does occur. Unfortunately to this very day, law enforcement mistreats trafficked child victims of sexual slavery (“trafficked” meaning forced without consent) as criminals and so called child prostitutes, and even worse is still in the business of incarcerating child victims for extended periods.[29]
Thus, too frequently police only further tack on yet more abuse and both they and the media are still rampantly guilty of causing added damage and suffering by using words that cruelly mislabel victims as criminals. Even a 17-year old minor who “by choice” engages in sex for money is a victim, especially when economic and cultural factors so often present are considered. Young homeless runaways on the streets who are hungry for their next meal may feel forced to use their body as their only way to survive. Another common example typically encountered abroad is an orphaned eldest child facing the burdensome responsibility of taking care of younger siblings where few options exist amidst hordes of adult Western male predators hungrily on the prowl for sex with children, especially in pedo-sex tourism havens like Thailand, Philippines, other Asian countries and impoverished Third World nations around the globe.[30] Improving economic conditions, implementing and enforcing child rape laws, cleaning up government corruption, and providing education and understanding the larger context and the important distinction between child victimization and child prostitution[31] all would go far towards eliminating both this prevalent, unacceptable condition and distortedly inaccurate, unjust bias and unfair misperception.
With that caveat out of the way, let’s begin examining the Franklin child abuse scandal up close. The central adult figure is decorated Vietnam War veteran, 17-year Nebraska state senator, author and longtime attorney John DeCamp who represented several of the child victims in court as a well-intentioned protagonist. Years earlier after meeting his Vietnamese wife while serving as a Green Beret captain in Southeast Asia, as a Nebraska state senator in 1975 John was responsible for airlifting 2,800 orphaned children out of the war ravaged nation and finding homes for them in North America.[32] Initially as the Franklin story broke and rumors surfaced of child abuse in the late 1980s, DeCamp was highly skeptical. But the more he learned, the more he grew committed to ferreting out the truth in support of the child victims, eventually agreeing to legally represent several of the abused. The husband and father of four managed to traverse the high stakes minefield at great risk to both himself and his family, enduring death threats and on more than one occasion forced to relocate his wife and children out of harm’s way. But until his recent passing this last July at age 76, the inimitable John DeCamp persevered, ultimately unveiling the horrific abuse and grossest injustice perpetrated on hundreds of Nebraska children through his hard fought and not always successful quest for justice along with his blockbuster exposé, summarizing the Franklin debacle this way:
It’s a web of intrigue that starts in our holy of holies, Boys Town Nebraska, one of the most respected institutions in the United States, and spreads out like a spider web to Washington DC right up to the steps of the nation’s capital, steps of the White House. It involves some of the most respected and powerful and richest businessmen in this country – and the centerpiece of the entire web is the use of children for sex, drug dealing, drug couriers, and the compromising of politicians and businessmen in this United States of America.[33]
The Franklin scandal centered in Omaha, Nebraska and in particular on the famous now 100-year old Roman Catholic orphanage Boys Town.[34] This is the same orphanage idyllically featured in the 1938 film classic “Boys Town,” starring Mickey Rooney as the angry, rebellious juvenile reformed by the spiritual wisdom and righteousness bestowed on him by Boys Town founder Father Flanagan, played by Spencer Tracy in a saintly Oscar winning performance.[35] But less than four decades later, Boys Town was anything but saintly, becoming the primary pipeline source for abducted child sex slaves trafficked to Washington DC[36] and elsewhere to be sodomized by the likes of Vice President turned President George H.W. Bush and sexually exploited by other sick political big wigs like Dick Cheney and former New Hampshire Governor-US Senator John Sununu.[37] Yep, big Dick’s scandalously caught up in yet another coldblooded Luciferian scheme more than a decade before his masterminded signature devilry of 9/11. But more on Dick and the infamous Georges later.
Speaking of fellow demons, the main character in the Franklin drama was Lawrence E. King Jr, the charismatic ringleader that ran a vast child trafficking network exploiting hundreds of orphaned boys and local Omaha youth of both genders, some even younger than 10,[38] to VIP parties in Omaha, Washington, Chicago, New York City, New Orleans, Dallas, Des Moines, Kansas City, San Francisco and a number of other locations across the nation. The once young African American Democrat and George McGovern supporter from Omaha who everyone affectionately called Larry King strategically and opportunistically switched political parties to become a rising GOP star singing the national anthem at both the 1984 and 1988 Republican Presidential Conventions.[39] Lawrence King placed all his marbles in running with the 1% haves from the GOP elite, tirelessly participating in countless party fundraisers and, as the entertainer-charmer of the first order, he hosted social gatherings big and small, singing his way into the pocketbooks of the wealthiest, most powerful circles in Washington DC, his home state Nebraska and entire country.
His meteoric ascendancy from his humble roots resulted from his psychopathic charisma and ostentatious flair for ambition, hobnobbing not only with the rich and powerful Omaha-Lincoln crowd but branching out and expanding nationwide to even well beyond the capital. Networking with likeminded others within a secret satanic brotherhood of fellow derelict pedophiles while on the surface appearing the benevolent, do-gooder man about town, a pillar in both the Omaha community as well as nation, King ensured he was on the board of directors of some of the largest children’s organizations like the Head Start Foundation, on the executive committee of the Camp Fire Girls and president of the Girls Club.[40] For all he brought to the GOP table, King was rewarded with the position of vice chairman of the National Black Republican Council (NBRC) a direct subset of the GOP. And of course the “child lover” was selected as NBRC’s Youth Advisor.[41]
Philanthropically embracing children became the Kingpin’s cover for abusing them, supplying fresh young innocents to defile for insatiable consumption by wicked, dirty old rich white men attending Lawrence’s fancy soirees that only added to both his appeal and demand. Throughout the 1980s King grew so cozily chummy with the likes of Ronald Reagan and George Bush that he’d call them up just to ask America’s presidents for friendly favors. Never brought to justice for his countless sadistic child sex crimes and murders, this devil worshipper was granted more than his share of Luciferian favors by the nation’s Luciferian elite – and still is.
In 1970 the brand new 25-year old general manager Larry King took over the failing Franklin Community Federal Credit Union and managed to nurse it back to life, making inroads connecting with Omaha’s wealthy establishment that provided the necessary funding to keep the struggling financial institution afloat, mostly catering to local lower income African American families.[42] During his first decade at Franklin, Larry King worked toward cultivating a close working partnership with nearby Boys Town, holding a number of the famous charity’s amply endowed accounts. Employing a number of Boys Town residents in his credit union to do various odd jobs like filing or sweeping the floor seemed like a natural win-win for everyone involved.
But King’s trailblazing path to materializing his all-American success story was not what it appeared, paved with satanic pedophilic ritual, murder, sodomy, torture, blackmail, fraud, extortion, embezzlement and a subsequent White House protected cover-up. Yet for all his felonious crimes, Larry King never served even one day behind bars for his diabolical enslavement, trafficking and brutal, sadistic rape and torture of his hundreds of child sex slaves over the years, nor for pimping them off to the US president and other Washingtonian elite. It was only after years of living obscenely above his means on his $16,200 Franklin Credit Union salary per year[43] that any legal action was finally taken against him. While the flamboyant King’s best buddy George HW was making his successful bid to become the next president of the United States, the “rising star” sang the national anthem a second straight time at his convention, taking more photo-ops with the fellow pedophile president-to-be.
But just like how the “Conspiracy of Silence” doc disappeared, Bush conveniently pulled all his arm-in-arm photos with King off the internet and to this day are still nowhere to be found. Bush senior tasked longtime GOP dirty trickster Karl Rove with removing the King stain from the Bush family crime business. Rove in turn deployed the late Michael Connell (who later died suspiciously in a plane crash) to expunge all photographic trace of the King-Bush nexus from the internet.[44] A few years later the high level GOP consultant and IT guru Connell was subpoenaed and set to appear in court over a couple of George W. Bush Jr’s scandals; Connell’s part in rigging the outcome of W’s second stolen presidential election in 2004[45] [46] as well as W’s cover-up of his own shady pedophile blackmail sex ring (i.e., like father, like son) where junior fired a bunch of US attorneys hot on the investigative trail to uncover it.[47] Connell was believed responsible for thousands of missing emails pertaining to the eight terminated attorneys closing in on Jr’s sex ring[48] and, just prior to showing up in court to answer for his role in his boss’ sins, he too was suddenly met with an untimely fate flying home to Ohio for Christmas on December 19, 2008 just two miles from the Akron airport. Karl Rove is actually on record threatening Connell shortly before his death and twice Connell as the diehard loyal Bush consultant and pilot thrown under the Bush crime bus was warned not to fly his recently tampered plane.[49]
In just under two decades at Franklin Credit Union, Lawrence King had embezzled $40 million and on the very same day his buddy Bush was elected 41st US president in November 1988, the FBI and IRS raided King’s office arresting the garish pedophile. Upon discovering two discrepant accounting book records, fraud and embezzlement charges were levied against the general manager.[50] This led to a Nebraska state senate probe that in turn opened up questions that had been swirling for years around Larry King over accusations he was running a secret satanic child sex slave trafficking ring. Rumors and reports lingered for half a decade stemming from children courageously coming forth to disclose King’s pedo-crimes being perpetrated against them. Eyewitnesses reported that King was directly involved in at least one satanic child sacrifice murder.[51] But like virtually every other pedophile scandal, victims’ initial charges of satanic ritual abuse are invariably dismissed as too bizarre, disturbing and unbelievable to take seriously, especially when children are verbalizing that they’re being forced against their will to board private jetliners to Washington to attend plush parties to be served on a sexual platter for some of the richest, most famous and powerful pedophiles on the planet.
Among the first children to report Larry King to the authorities, describing in detail his sexual abuse operation, was 14-year old Eulice “Lisa” Washington (who also went by adopted foster parents’ name Nelly Webb) whose testimony was independently supported by her twin sister Tracey (Kimberly Webb). Both girls were placed in the abusive foster care home belonging to Jarrett and Barbara Webb, Jarrett a King employee on the credit union board of directors and his wife Barbara, King’s cousin.[52] The physically and sexually abused Lisa and Tracey kept running away from their foster home, bringing them to the attention of child protective services. Eulice began opening up in 1985 disclosing that on multiple occasions their foster parents and Larry King would force her sister and her along with a large number of children from Boys Town to board private planes headed for Washington, Chicago and numerous other municipal destinations. Lisa said she was ordered to sit on top of a table either completely nude or wearing a scantily clad negligee “looking pretty and innocent,” forced to perform sex (sans penile penetration) with party-going perverts, all prominent politicians and businessmen.[53] Younger bodyguards with openly displayed handguns escorted the older pervs.
Lisa said she met George HW Bush attending several of these functions, starting at the Dallas 1984 GOP convention, as well as affairs held in DC and Chicago. On a pre-election campaign swing to the Windy City in October 1984, Lisa stated she observed then Vice President George Bush handing money to Larry King, and then leave with a Boys Town African American boy named Brent.[54]
In 1985-86 Boys Town child welfare worker Julie Walters interviewed Lisa several times compiling a highly incriminating, explosive 41-page document sent to Andrea L. Carener of Nebraska Social Services. Lisa and Tracey reported that Jarrett Webb began sexually abusing them at age nine and ten.[55] Despite Lisa subsequently passing all four lie detector tests and every child protective agency from the county to the state level finding the girls’ accusations fully credible, the Washington County Nebraska judge dismissed all sex abuse charges against the foster parents Jarrett and Barbara Webb.[56] Blindly tossing out mounting, clear-cut evidence would become the pervasive signature trademark of this scandal-ridden cover-up.
With the vast majority of King’s victims in his sex ring from Boys Town, the Omaha police never took the child allegations seriously, merely going through the motions to inform only the head of the famous orphanage Father Val Peter, who failed to loop anyone else at Boys Town in on the alarming scandal.[57] Later Val Peter would claim that he conducted his own internal investigation and was unable to find any evidence of abuse, insisting that interviewed alleged witnesses denied any and all wrongdoing.[58] What’s all too obvious is that Father Val Peter and perhaps a few selected individuals within the Boys Town administration were minimally guilty of complicity as scores of their children for years would regularly go missing for days at a time while King trafficked them to DC and at least a dozen other locations around the nation. That in and of itself would immediately raise a red flag of utmost concern for responsible adults mandated to protect and care for their children. Yet even though the Boys Town-to-DC sex slave pipeline was ongoing throughout the decade, no further inquiry was ever pursued by orphanage officials. This glaring fact appears as overwhelming evidence that Val Peter who was close friends with Larry the Kingpin knew exactly what was going on. But in keeping with the traditional Catholic Church crime history through the ages, pedophilia has always been allowed to flourish unimpeded within its unholy ranks.
President George Bush welcomed Father Val Peter to the White House promoting his so called faith based initiative,[59] the same one that fellow pedophile and convicted sex offender Father Ritter embraced with his CIA front the Covenant House that was alleged to have been part of the trafficking of children, drugs and arms from and to South and Central America during this same Iran Contra era (see Chapter 5 on Knights of Malta). The CIA, Knights of Malta and AmeriCares worked hand in hand with Bush and his brother Prescott Jr., Cheney, Peter Grace and Ritter along with the likes of their obedient grunts Oliver North, Michael Aquino and Larry King. From DeCamp’s Franklin Cover-up:
Direct ties of Larry King to persons and institutions active in the Iran Contra are a matter of public record. In 1987, according to the World-Herald, King donated $25,350 to Citizens for America [CFA], a group that sponsored speaking tours for Oliver North and the Contra leaders. CFA was a key public relations group for Iran Contra; King was a founding member and one of its largest contributors.[60]
King himself was interviewed on Omaha radio station KKAR claiming that he “was trying to bring North to Nebraska.” Additionally, one’s of Larry King’s security guards has sworn that he witnessed Lt. Col. North attending at least one of King’s parties with children present. DeCamp goes on to state:
The first investigative reporter to ever look at Franklin, the World-Herald’s James Flanery, told associates that King was “running guns and money into Nicaragua,” and that the CIA was heavily involved. (Flanery was soon taken off the story and shipped out of state for a year.)[61]
It’s always been a small satanic circle that runs and operates the global child sex slave network in every scandal through every decade, always the same guilty handful of players, from pedo-presidents and pedo-Congress to pedo-CIA operatives and pedo-military officers to pedo-priests and pedo secret societies – the CFR, the Maltese, Skull and Bones, Freemasons and Illuminati among others. This tight knit crew represents one big child-raping Luciferian crime family operating from out of its DC-New York Wall Street-Hollywood US headquarters in conjunction with the City of London Corporation-Brussel’s EU/NATO-Rome’s Vatican nexus to its far reaching, child-preying tentacles extending to every single corner of the globe, all guilty as sin.
In 1986 Paul Bonacci had also been registering complaints to school authorities and the Omaha police about the rampant sexual abuse at the hands of Larry King and company.[62] At the age of 3, Paul had been placed into the sinister CIA MK Ultra mind control program, and beginning in the early through mid-1970s endured systematic mind control training at Omaha’s nearby Offutt Air Force Base, ending up with well over a dozen known alter personalities as a diagnosed Dissociative Disorder victim induced through sexual trauma and torture.[63] A conscripted sex slave by age 8, as is always the case from DC to Hollywood, Paul Bonacci became one among countless boy toys passed around by lascivious pedo club members, for Paul starting in Omaha.
MK Ultra had targeted Omaha multimillionaire businessman Alan Baer for blackmail sex with their fully trained 11-year old mind controlled sex slave Paul. Baer immediately seized the bait, laying claim to Paul for frequent acts of sodomy. Bonacci described how at lavish drug-sex orgies he was forced to have sex with Baer, but soon after was farmed out to Harold W. Anderson, CFR member[64] and former editor turned CEO of Nebraska’s largest daily newspaper, the Omaha World-Herald owned by multibillionaire Warren E. Buffet, and a year later to World-Herald entertainment journalist Peter Citron. Citron would soon be arrested for his violent pedophilic acts and subsequently “suicided” after drinking drain cleaner.[65]
Though Buffett’s newspaper men were rabid pedophile offenders shielding their King led criminal operation from all accountability, not surprisingly Larry King was also close friends with the famous Omaha mogul who happens to be one of the richest men on earth – Warren E. Buffett. Much to the powerful globalist’s regret, Warren Buffett hosted the tenth year anniversary wedding party for Larry King and his wife Alice in 1979.[66] Buffet’s wife Susie was even a volunteer at Franklin. Larry held a fundraiser when their son Howard Buffett ran for Douglas County Commissioner. Of course Buffett’s mutual interests with Larry weren’t just limited to their shared social circle. Through his World-Herald the multibillionaire’s media prowess fiercely protected the pedophiles while viciously slandering the child victims. Finally, Buffett’s financial investment ties to King’s Franklin Credit Union also ran indelibly deep. First Tier Bank as Franklin’s parent company was not only the financial institution that co-laundered King’s dirty drug and child trafficking cash flow business, but was also the morphed creation of its emeritus board of director Mr. Buffett.[67]
By December 1980 Paul Bonacci met CIA-GOP affiliated slave master Larry King who Paul claimed was holding satanic rituals sexually abusing and murdering children.[68] Paul asserted that both King and Baer were Satanists[69] who soon began trafficking Bonacci and other children as drug couriers moving Bush-CIA Contra cocaine picked up on the California’s West Coast to bring back to America’s heartland for wider distribution.[70]
Paul Bonacci specified how Larry King classified selling his young boy victims as two separate slave commodities to his mouth-watering degenerates based on their particular sexual age preference:
One is called Bodies by God and they had the call boys. And there was another group that was started by Larry King which is called the Golden Boys which was kids that were usually under the age of approximately ten.[71]
After reporting sexual abuse to her therapist while undergoing psychiatric hospitalization, another child victim Loretta Smith was interviewed in June 1988 by dispatched Omaha Police Officer Irl Carmean.[72] Loretta said she was first photographed nude at the age of nine by child pornographers. Invited to a party by her older friends, she met an adult male who convinced the prepubescent to come back to his place for “a modeling shoot.” As a friend of the Webb foster children Lisa and Tracey Washington, Loretta attended events at the local Omaha Girls Club chapter where Larry King was the predatory president. Loretta explained that she and the Washington sisters would go on Girls Club field trips to professional photography studios escorted by both male and female Girls Club adult staff that threatened her and her family if she did not pose nude. Loretta disclosed that by age 10 and 11, she was forced to participate in devil worshipping rituals with both minors and adults present, identifying Larry King as the Luciferian cult leader using drugs and sex as part of the satanic ritual activities.
Despite promising Loretta he would return to ask more about her pedophilic victimization, Officer Carmean never had any further contact with Loretta whose psychiatrist spoke to Carmean’s supervisor also assuring that Officer Carmean would be interviewing Loretta again. But because the Omaha Police Department was compromised and corrupted with its police chief part of King’s inner pedophile ring, no further Omaha police investigation ever took place. However, as Loretta Smith became more comfortable with the hospital personnel, she went into greater details about how the satanic cult run by King operated over a period of many months using marijuana and heavier drugs to manipulate their child victims into first trusting the perpetrators before introducing them to the hardcore satanic ritual abuse that in addition to child pornography, rape and sodomy also included animal mutilation, human sacrifice and cannibalism.[73] With such astounding criminal depravities revealed, a number of mental health professionals repeatedly contacted the Omaha police department for further investigation but to no avail.
By 1988 the number of minors and young adults boldly coming forth to disclose widespread abuse had grown to seven victims accusing Larry King of years of systematically raping, torturing and drugging them, hooking victims on cocaine and heroin, while trafficking and pimping them out for sodomy at King sponsored political functions and afterhours orgies across the country. Additional allegations were made accusing King of buying and selling child sex slaves on the black market at slave auctions around the country. According to Larry King victim Paul Bonacci, one was held inside a barn in Lincoln, Nebraska and others are outside Las Vegas as well as in Toronto, Canada.[74]
One underage girl described her horrifying experience at one of the King orgies where she was forced to stand naked while being auctioned off as a piece of meat to the highest bidder who would soon be raping her.[75] Another victim recalled in 1981 or 1982 being taken to a farm in Elkhorn, Nebraska where a 10-year old boy was witnessed being repeatedly beaten and sodomized by King’s Satan worshippers.[76] While the boy lay screaming and bleeding from his rectum, one of the men picked up a pitchfork, ultimately plunging it into the victim and killing him as spectators busy laughed throughout this heinous slaughter. Moreover, the Franklin sex ring perpetrators and their satanic blackmail operation often shot snuff films of both their sex abuse and murders. One King client took a young boy out of state and forced the victim to give him oral sex. Just as the pedophile reached orgasm he shot the boy in the head, captured on film to be distributed for profit amongst more sickos.
Denver’s National Center for the Treatment of Dissociative Disorders published its findings from a 1991 study in The Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect. All 37 Franklin scandal victims responding to the study’s survey diagnosed with Dissociative Disorder that had been tortured and sexually abused as children in the 1980s revealed that they also received death threats, witnessed animal mutilations, and were forced to ingest drugs. Additionally, 83% of them indicated that they had witnessed at least one adult or child sacrifice.[77]
By 1987 head of the Nebraska Foster Care Review Board (FCRB) Carol Stitt, prominently featured in the British documentary “Conspiracy of Silence,” had gathered more than convincing evidence of rampant sexual abuse involving King’s national sex trafficking ring, sending letters and reports to alert Nebraska state Governor Kay Orr as well as the state Attorney General Robert Spire, expecting them to launch a major investigation to correct this shameful blight on the state. But all her reports appeared to fall on deaf ears. Carol also forwarded reports to the Nebraska legislature in hopes that state senators would take the initiative to look into the shocking matter. But they too were slow to respond, mobilizing an investigative committee only after King’s November 1988 arrest. Finally the following month on December 19th the FCRB was able to present its mounting evidence to the state committee. Afterwards committee chairman Loran Schmit responded:
The information brought tears to my eyes. I do not cry easily and I was not the only person that was moved.[78]
Decades later as a longtime fierce protector of abused children in the Nebraska state foster care system, after 29 years as the director of the state’s Foster Care Review Board, suddenly in January 2012 Carol Stitt was forced out of her job by a corrupt board of directors.[79] Using a bogus technicality, she was ousted for attending a political rally back in 2006 for revered former University of Nebraska football coach Republican Tom Osborne, a supposed violation of the Hatch Act that prohibits federal employees from engaging in political activity. Though a state employee, technically the federal government partially funded her office through Health and Human Services (HHS). Her removal was nothing short of a subversive plot to rid a staunch pedophile watchdog from potentially running unwanted interference against Nebraska’s still notorious child sex ring trafficking operation.[80]
For the earlier posts in this series, please see the links below:

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